Here, In general Interoperability points out to the ability of quick responders to work seamlessly with other systems or product without any special effort. Changes in how we manage resources and expect services to be delivered co-operatively have caused communications need to evolve internally and externally within systems or organizations. Recently the communication capabilities of web applications were limited to either text-based communication such as messaging, email or non-real-time audio or video, e.g., streaming. The combination of real time services such as a voice call or a video conference with a web application was only possible using either a separate application or proprietary plug-ins that lack open specifications, and interoperability and are often limited to certain platforms. In order to add real time capabilities to commercial browsers in a standardized manner and move from proprietary solutions, the major standardization groups responsible for the advancement of the Internet protocols and applications have launched the HTML5 and real-time WebRTC initiatives to complement web applications with real time media features. Most businesses are planning to move from telephony system to VoIP solution and for that they are adopting WebRTC for their needs. WebRTC is an API whose essential purpose is to support browser to browser based communication activity more comfortably, it can be in form of audio or video calls, P2P file sharing without requiring any kind of internal or external add on plug-ins to make it happen. Ongoing way for supporting RTC in web is mostly based on independent application or additional plug-ins like flash plugins etc. Why most of systems want to avoid separate apps? >>Adopting independent app would mean leaving the browser and launching a new app so that there can be no real integration of the content presented by the browser within real time content. Why not additional plug-ins? >>Solution based on plug-ins provides compact integration between the real-time content and the provider’s web page. However plugins do not work in all environments. For example: In particular flash does not work on iOS used for iPhone. Another concern with the Flash technology is its centralized model. A Flash plug-in from domain X can only communicate with a server in domain X. This means that an app provider that is offering a number of apps in the form of Flash plugins will have to deal with all the signaling and media traffic generated by the plug-in. WebRTC restriction prevent a malicious app from sending traffic to some destination and hence attacking that destination. Dominant components of WebRTC: getUserMedia: >>It allows web browser to access the camera & microphone to capture media. RTCPeerConnection: >>It helps to setups calls in both audio and video form. RTCDataChannels: >>It allows browser to share data peer-to-peer. getStats: >>This static function allows web app to retrieve a set of statics about WebRTC sessions. Node.js with WebRTC is an Advancement: Node.js is one of the most popular, suitable and surrounding technology with WebRTC. Node and WebRTC is just like choco sauce on vanilla ice cream they are equally delicious but together they are irresistible. The same thing can be said about Node.js and WebRTC. Node.js is an asynchronous server side JavaScript engine powered by chrome’s V8 engine. Asynchronous is key for the WebRTC nature because everything for example calls, signaling, presence, chat etc are asynchronous event and these events need to be handled in real-time. Reasons for why Node.js is perfect fit for WebRTC: >>HTTP & JASON are first-class citizens in Node.js. >>Developers get to write JavaScript for both client and server. One language to rule them all. >>Since Node.js includes a web server in its HTTP library, developers have more control over handling lower-level request and response. >>Modern web app use websocket to manage bi-directional real-time request and response between client and server and Node is the go to platform for leveraging websocket. >>Node.js also supports streaming natively which is perfect for WebRTC. What are the benefits? For User: >>Need no additional plug-ins >>WebRTC provides a higher security level it also enforces the usage of encryption for both media and signaling. For Business: >>Enhance the rich communication within organization or system and require no special server or app for it. >>Provides continuity, constancy and un-interrupted communication service. >>It keeps communication secure within system using state of the art encryption standards. >>Cost saving for businesses and can significantly reduce the cost paid for the toll-free service Remote workers can connect to the enterprise telephony service over any IP connection without having to provide the remote worker with any special devices, VPN or VoIP software application.