How Facebook is not using PHP by still using PHP?

Facebook technology stack consist of application written in many language, including PHP and many others. Facebook still using PHP but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on. Facebook doesn’t use PHP for its core system, at Facebook, they uses C++ heavily on back end system. Apparently … Read more

Why to bring in Interoperable Real-Time Communication to the web using WebRTC?


Here, In general Interoperability points out to the ability of quick responders to work seamlessly with other systems or product without any special effort. Changes in how we manage resources and expect services to be delivered co-operatively have caused communications need to evolve internally and externally within systems or organizations. Recently the communication capabilities of … Read more

How to use both Django & NodeJS as backend for your application

Choosing a language for your web/mobile application depends on what you want to achieve from the task. There are many ways and reasons to have your application running on multiple technologies and integrate them. Here I will be talking about two different backend languages that are Django and Node.JS, both are backend technologies and may … Read more

How to choose a technology for a Web Application

With internet celebrating its silver anniversary, I must say we have really come a long way in a short span of time.  Many technologies and platforms have evolved. Cherry picking web application, this particular area has seen maximum evolution . We have an outburst of several web pages that kept challenging of something new. Many … Read more